We are an international team of specialists in different fields. Ewin Games not only provides jobs but also cares about each employee.
Our team includes game designers, artists, animators, blockchain developers, managers, and specialists in many other fields.
Yuri Andrushak Front-End Dev
I started to get interested in design in 2008, but the more I learned about this topic, the more I realized that this was not mine since I really needed income - I could not waste any more time studying. When I got a little more stable financially - I decided to resume my web design studies. Thanks to the acquired knowledge, I received my first paycheck in 2014. I studied HTML, CSS, JS, PHP.

After a couple of years, I started applying my knowledge in practice, as it was clear that being just a programmer was not entirely profitable at that time. Everyone was looking for universal professionals who were ready to do the work on a turnkey basis.
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